Arai Helmets
Arai RX-7X Nakano Red '99
Arai RX-7X Nakano Red '99
※【注意事項】を無視した注文でクレジットカード決済を利用の場合、キャンセル時 3%の手数料を差し引いての返金となりますので十分ご注意ください。
※Purchases made for the purpose of resale, transfer or orders that ignore the following [NOTES] will be automatically canceled. We won't reply to the question for it because of our company policy.
※if you place an order using a credit card that ignores the following [NOTES] , a 3% processing fee will be deducted from your refund upon cancellation.
1999年~2022年 Yamaha Tech3, Chesterfield, Gauloises チーム時代のグラフィックをAraiのNewフラッグシップモデル RX-7Xで再現。56design でしか手に入らない特別なモデルです!
・This helmet is a Japanese standard, so it cannot be used outside of Japan. If you want to buy this helmet, please contact the Arai Helmets distributor in your country.
・We will refuse orders that are in a company name, for the purpose of resale or business sales, or that are suspected of doing for security reason.
・We will refuse sales for resale, transfer, orders from overseas and business sales purpose or these suspected order.
・If the name of the purchaser, recipient and the name, address on the credit card are different, or if the place of use of the credit card differs from the billing/delivery address, the order will be canceled and refunded after a 3% cancellation fee is deducted.
・Due to limited stock, we will limit ONLY ONE HELMET per person and only one time.
・It is NOT possible to purchase by Cash on Delivery.